collecting from the network 209
excluding a student’s answers
mismatched question numbers
moving to another analysis 239
App Transfer
closing 246
frequently-asked questions 249
opening 243
adding to transfer list 244
frequently-asked questions 249
installing 246
removing from transfer list 245
selecting 245
unselecting 245
AppVar files 241
arranging seating chart 27
choosing 208
printing 230
removing 238
assignment file
description 241
assignment type
description 241
attributes, graph window 81
turning off 81
turning on 81
axis labels
creating 84
turning off 83
turning on 83
Bbackground images
adding to graph window 89
removing from graph window 89
beginning class sessions 20
Ccaf file
saving analysis as 213
calculator screens
capturing 151
options 11
refreshing captured 154
calculator tools, launching 16
deleting files from 51
error messages 258
home screen 15
joining activities from 92
sending files from 44
tools 15
canceling file transfers 54
captured screens, saving 153
capturing calculator screens 151
Classroom tab view 20
cursor appearance 88
graph window scale 79
graph window settings 79
graphing pen color 87
graphing pen width 87
point label 194
student classes 34
unprompted file location 55
window settings 79
Character Map 178
file transfer status 53
student login status 27
checking spelling 183
choices on image question 163
choosing the assignment 208
class analysis
starting new 207
class analysis file
description 241
Class Record
removing items from 23
using 6
class sessions
beginning 20
ending 20
class summary analysis
customizing view 216
printing 224
viewing 216
adding students to 25
changing for students 34