showing 130
navigation pane 157
frequently-asked questions 254
logging in to (students) 13
logging in to (teachers) 12
new folder 187
number lines
configuring options for 76
Numberline activity 66
contributing 109
a saved analysis 214
Activity Center 67
App Transfer 243
Quick Poll 141
opening a document 181, 182
configuring for activities 70, 75,
76, 77
configuring for equations 68
configuring for list activities 72
for printed reports 222
slide show 221
Ppage options for printed reports 222
palette, special characters 234
panning graph window 86
changing for teacher 9
resetting for students 32
paste 183
pasting 183
pasting data from the Clipboard 239
activities 92
polls 143
changing color 87
changing width 87
percent score
term description 242
configuring 113
selecting 114
turning off 115
turning on 115
activity data 112
class points 117
equations 116
lists 118
deleting 194
point label
editing 194
erasing 194
Point Tool 190
configuring options for 70
contributing 104
contributing all at once 105
contributing one at a time 104
creating 96
creating lists of 99
deleting 124
editing 120
hiding in graph 132
highlighting 135
plotting class 117
showing in graph 132
sorting 137
viewing 125
Poll Listing tab 139
Poll Visualization tab 139
polling students 142
frequently-asked questions 251
pausing 143
responding to 144
resuming paused 144
sending results to students 146
sorting data 148
stopping 143
viewing previous 148
viewing results of 146
Preview All 197
Preview Selected 197
previewing a document 197
previewing a report 188, 223
printer, selecting 222