The Singing Machine Karaoke Glossary of Terms
In addition to all of the terminology associated with consumer electronics products, a few additional terms are used almost exclusively in karaoke. These terms are meant to familiarize you withthe world of Karaoke . The features listed below,may not necessarily pertain to the particular model Singing Machine that you have. Following are some brief explanations:
Echo adds depth and resonance to a singer's voice, without affecting the music. This echo is produced by creating minor controlled feedback in the singer's voice.
A multiplex tape is really three recordings on one tape. Side A, has a stereo recording of songs without the lead singer. Side B has two mono recordings. The right channel has a mono recording, which allows you to sing a duet with the lead singer. The left channel has a mono recording of the same music, without the lead singer. Multiplex control allows the singer to gradually go from left channel to right channel, thereby gradually fading out the vocal.
Auto Voice Control (AVC):
When the AVC function is activated, the vocals on a multiplex recording are eliminated as soon as the singer begins singing into the microphone. When the singerstops singing. the vocals on the multiplex recording are automatically
Pitch Control:
This function controls pitch of music by controlling the speed at which a cassette tape plays back. By increasing the speed of the tape, the music sounds higher (sharp). By slowing the tape speed, the music sounds lower (flat).
Key Controller:
Key Controller changes the key of the music (+ or - steps) to adjust to the singer's voice.
This is an acronym for Compact Disc plus Graphics. You will also see variations CD+G, and CD+Graphics. This is regular CD with information stored on a data track simultaneous to music. In laymen's terms, CDG has a video output for simple graphics (not full motion video). In the case of karaoke, the graphics function is used to store song lyrics, and display the lyrics in synch with music. In most cases, CDG software displays lyrics which change color as they are tobe sung. Aregular television is all that isrequired to display CDG lyrics.