• PD column description:
Slot The position of hard drives. The number of slot begins
from left to right at the front side. The button next to
the number of slot is “More Information” indication. It
shows the details of the hard drive.
WWN World Wide Name.
Size (GB) Capacity of hard drive.
VG Name Related volume group name.
Status The status of hard drive.
“GOOD” Æ the hard drive is good.
“DEFECT” Æ the hard drive has the bad blocks.
“FAIL” Æ the hard drive cannot work in the respective
Status 1 “RD” Æ RAID Disk. This hard drive has been set to
“FR” Æ FRee disk. This hard drive is free for use.
“DS” Æ Dedicated Spare. This hard drive has been
set to the dedicated spare of the VG.
“GS” Æ Global Spare. This hard drive has been set to
a global spare of all VGs.
“RS” Æ ReServe. The hard drive contains the VG
information but cannot be used. It may be caused by
an uncompleted VG set, or hot-plug of this disk in the
running time. In order to protect the data in the disk,
the status changes to reserve. It can be reused after
setting it to “FR” manually.
Status 2 “R” Æ Rebuild. The hard drive is doing rebuilding.
“M”Æ Migration. The hard drive is doing migration.
Speed 3.0G Æ From SATA ATAPI standard, if the disk can
command, and the speed can achieve Serial ATA
Gen-2 signaling speed (3.0Gbps).
1.5G Æ From SATA ATAPI standard, if the disk can
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