read/write error <read | write> failed.
Error PD read/write error Error: PD <#> lba <#> length <#> <read | write>
Error UDV recoverable
read/write error
Error: UDV <name> stripe <#> PD <#> lba <#>
length <#> <read | write> recoverable
Error UDV unrecoverable
read/write error
Error: UDV <#> stripe <#> PD <#> lba <#>
length <#> <read | write> unrecoverable
Info UDV stripe rewrite
Info: UDV <name> stripe <#> rewrite column
bitmap <BITMAP> <started | failed | finished>.
Here is the step by step to setup Microsoft iSCSI Initiator. Please visit Microsoft
website for latest iSCSI initiator. The following setup may not use the latest
Microsoft iSCSI initiator.
1. Run Microsoft iSCSI Initiator version 2.03. Please see Figure C.1.
2. Click “Discovery”.
Figure C.1
3. Click “Add”. Input IP address or DNS name of iSCSI storage device.
Please see Figure C.2.
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