(Figure Slot 5 is set as global spare disk.)
Step 5: Done. They can be used as iSCSI disks.
Delete UDVs, VG, please follow the steps.
Step 6: Detach LUN from UDV.
In “/ Volume config / Logical unit”,
1. Select LUNs by clicking the checkbox of the row, then click
“”. There will pop up a confirm page.
2. Choose “OK”.
3. Done.
Step 7: Delete UDV (User Data Volume).
To delete the user data volume, please follow the procedures:
1. Select “/ Volume config / User data volume”.
2. Select UDVs by clicking the checkbox of the row.
3. Click “ “. There will pop up a confirm page.
4. Choose “OK”.
5. Done. Then, the UDVs are deleted.
When deleting UDV, the attached LUN(s) related to this UDV
will be detached automatically, too.
Step 8: Delete VG (Volume Group).
To delete the volume group, please follow the procedures:
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