(Heat Baffle)
Easy Stainless Steel Maintenance
1.Apply stainless steel polish before first use.
2.Use cover to protect finish from weather.
Quick Clean Method for Grates
1.Immediately after cooking, turn off the burners. Fill a container with very hot water.
2.Using a long handled, brass barbecue brush dipped in hot water, scrub the hot grates. Use a heavy mitt to protect your hand from the heat and steam.
3.Repeat. Scrub each grate with the wire brush to remove cooked on food soil. The steam created from applying water to the hot grate softens the soil, making it easier to remove.
4.Charred particles will fall into the drip tray below. Wipe out particles; replace aluminum foil liner.
Quick Clean Method for the Grill
1.Turn all burners on HI for 10 to 15 minutes with the hood closed. The high heat burns off the food soil.
2.Raise the hood and let it cool.
3.When cool, use the wire brush to remove ash from the grates.
4.Remove the grates to expose the radiants. Use the flat edge of wire brush to scrape off soil deposits from radiants.
Quick Clean Method for the Drip Tray - Check tray after each use
1.Line tray with heavy foil.
2.Spread thin layer of sand over foil to absorb grease.
3.When time to replace foil liner and sand, pull corners of foil to center, bundle and throw away.
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