•The gas supply must be turned off at the
•L’alimentation du gaz doit étre fennée a la bouteille de gaz de pétrole liquéfié, lorsque cet appareil de cuisson extérieur n’ est pas utilisé.
•La bouteille d’alimentation en gaz de pétrole liquéfié doit étre débranchée, lorsque cet appareil de cuisson extérieur n’est pas utilisé.
•Do not overfill the LP tank. Never fill the LP tank beyond eighty percent (80%) of its capacity. Overfilling will cause the pressure relief valve on the tank to vent excess gas vapor. This vapor is combustible and can ignite, causing a fire.
•When transporting an LP tank, insure it is in an upright position and away from any sources of high heat.
•Do not store additional LP tanks inside the cart of the unit. Tanks must be stored outdoors in a well- ventilated area out of direct sunlight and/or sources of high heat, and out of the reach of children.
•LP tank supply system must be arranged for vapor withdrawal.
•LP tank used must include a collar to protect the tank valve.
An LP tank not connected for use shall not be stored in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Une bouteille de propane qui n’est pas raccordée en vue de son utilisation, ne doit pas etre entreposée dans le voisinage de cet appareil ou de tout autre appareil.
•The LP tank must be disconnected and removed from the appliance if the appliance is to be stored indoors.
•Always check for leaks after every tank change. See Section 6 of Installation Instructions.
For Outdoor Use Only. If stored indoors, detach and leave tank outdoors.
Pour utlilisation a la l’extérieur seulement. Si l’appareil est entreposé à l’intérieur, enlever les bouteilles et les laisser a l’extérieur.
Simultaneous operation of rotisserie burners, smoker burner and grill burners on the HI setting is not recommended. Excessive temperatures could result.
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