RUV X.X This display shows the software revision number.
NR O This is PROGRAM 0 which indicates simple operation of unit as a Universal Solar
Differential Temperature (USDT) controller. Change this value to 1 (NR 1) for activation of the
third sensor or pulse flow meter input (PROGRAM 1).
Hysteresis Bandwidth
User can program hysteresis (temperature range for output control) by using max? and max=.
max?1 Pump stops above tank temperature (T2)
max=1 Pump runs again below this set point (T2)
Delta T Adjustment
diff=1 Pump runs when temperature difference between collector T1 (collector) and T2
(tank) exceeds this value. Factory setting is 15 oF. Consult your collector
manufacturer for the recommended value.
diff?1 Pump stops when temperature difference between collector T1 (collector) and T2
(tank) reaches this value. Factory setting is 7 oF. Consult your collector
manufacturer for the recommended value.
Manual Operation Mode
AUTO The above display indicates that the unit is working in automatic mode. The
pump starts at a temperature difference of 15 oF and runs as long as ? T is
above 7 oF. The B symbol appears in upper display line next to the collector