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W-229660-095000 NA




Available in U.S. only. Extend your warranty for an additional 4 years from date of purchase for $5. You can pay with AMEX, Discover, Visa or MasterCard by calling 1 800-448-4639 during normal business hours. Payment must be made within 30 days of purchase. Name, address, telephone number, purchase date, and 5-digit model number required. You can also mail a check for $5 to: Timex Extended Warranty, P.O. Box 1676, Dept. EF,

Little Rock, AR 72203.

Please read instructions carefully to understand how to operate your Timex¨ watch.


¥Time with 12- or 24-hour format

¥Date with MM-DD or DD.MM format

¥3 time zones

¥Optional hourly chime

¥Temperature (-5¡F to 125¡F or -21¡C to 52¡C)

¥Tide tracker

¥100-hour chronograph with display of lap and split times

¥24-hour countdown timer (count down and stop or repeat)

¥Occasion reminders

¥3 daily/weekday/weekend alarms with 5-minute backup

¥Customizable mode set

¥INDIGLO¨ night-light with Night-Mode¨ feature

Press MODE repeatedly to step through modes: Tide, Chrono, Timer, Occasion, Alarm 1, Alarm 2, and Alarm 3. Press MODE to exit current mode and return to Time mode.













Button functions shown with secondary functions in parentheses


To set time, date, and options:

1)With time and date showing, press and hold SET.

2)Current time zone (1, 2, or 3) ßashes. Press + or - to select the time zone to set, if desired.

3)Press NEXT. Hour ßashes. Press + or - to change hour (including AM/PM); hold button to scan values

4)Press NEXT. Minutes ßash. Press + or - to change minutes

5)Press NEXT. Seconds ßash. Press + or - to set seconds to zero.

6)Press NEXT. Month ßashes. Press + or - to change month.

7)Press NEXT. Day ßashes. Press + or - to change day.

8)Press NEXT. Year ßashes. Press + or - to change year.

9)Press NEXT to set options. Press + or - to change value and then press NEXT to go to next option. Press DONE at any step to exit and save settings. Available options are 12- or 24-hour time format, MM-DD or DD.MM date format, temperature unit (Fahrenheit or Celsius), hourly chime N, beep for button presses, customizable mode set (Select ÒHIDEÓ for unwanted modes - they are removed from mode sequence).

If you hide a mode, you can turn it back on later using procedure above.

In Time mode, press STARTáSPLIT repeatedly to see, in order, temperature, time of next tide, 2nd time zone, and 3rd time zone. Data is shown for 3 seconds after button is released. Hold STARTáSPLIT for 4 seconds to keep the data you are viewing as the default. If temperature or tide is the default, the Þrst press of STARTáSPLIT shows date. Again, you may hold STARTáSPLIT button for 4 seconds while the date is visible to return to date as the default display. See TEMPERATURE and TIDE sections for more details.

Press and hold STOPáRESET to see next upcoming occasion (see OCCASION section). Release and immediately press and hold again to see subsequent occasions.


See TIME section for instructions on displaying temperature.

When worn on wrist, temperature reading is affected by body heat. For more accurate readings, remove watch and put in shade for at least several minutes.

Watch can measure water temperature also, if submerged. Be sure to select temperature display (See TIME) before placing watch in water, as buttons should not be pressed when watch is underwater.

Temperature readings are taken every minute, and more frequently if temperature is changing.


Tide mode provides tracking of high and low tides. Press MODE repeatedly until TIDE appears.

Countdown to next tide is shown at top of display. Time and type of next tide (H = high; L = low) are shown at bottom.

Press + or - to see later or earlier tides. Date of displayed tide is shown rather than countdown. Hold either button to scan quickly.

The primary factor in determining tides is moon position. Tide tracker uses moon position to predict high and low tides, which are 6 hours and 12.5 minutes apart.

Tides are also inßuenced by sun position and shape of shoreline, so tide clock cannot precisely give times of high and low tides. Periodic adjustment may be necessary.

To set tide tracker, enter time and type of last (most recent) tide:

1)Press SET. Tide type ßashes. Press + or - to select H (high) or L (low) for last tide.

2)Press NEXT. Hour ßashes. Press + or - to change hour (including AM/PM); hold button to scan values.

3)Press NEXT. Minutes ßash. Press + or - to change minutes.

4)Press NEXT. Number of daily tide cycles ßashes. Press + or - to change value. Most locations have 2 cycles (2 high and 2 low tides per day). If unsure, leave setting at 2.

5)Press DONE at any step when done setting.

For tide information, go to


This mode provides a chronograph (stopwatch) function. Press MODE to go to Chrono mode.

To start, press STARTáSPLIT. Chrono counts up by hundredths of a second up to one hour, then by seconds up to 100 hours. Stopwatch icon W ßashes to indicate chrono is running.

To stop, press STOPáRESET. Stopwatch icon W freezes to indicate chrono is stopped.

To resume, press STARTáSPLIT, or to reset (clear) chrono, press and hold STOPáRESET.

When chrono is already running, it will continue to run even if you exit chrono mode. Stopwatch icon W appears in TIME mode.

LAP 1 = 7.11

LAP 2 = 7.50

LAP 3 = 7.08

LAP 4 = 7.30

SPLIT 1 = 7.11

SPLIT 2 = 15.01

SPLIT 3 = 22.09

SPLIT 4 = 29.39

While chrono is running, press STARTáSPLIT to take a split. Lap and split times will be displayed with lap number.

To set display format, press SET. Then, press + or - to select desired format. Press DONE to exit.


¥When a split is taken, times are frozen on the display for 10 seconds. Press MODE to release display and show running chrono immediately.


Timer mode provides a countdown timer with alert. Press MODE repeatedly until TIMER appears.

To set countdown time:

1)Press SET. Hours ßash. Press + or - to change hours; hold button to scan values.

2)Press NEXT. Minutes ßash. Press + or - to change minutes.

3)Press NEXT. Seconds ßash. Press + or - to change seconds.

4)Press NEXT. Action at end of countdown ßashes. Press + or - to select STOP or REPEAT, indicated by hourglass icon with arrow I.

5)Press DONE at any step when done setting.

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Timex 660-095000, W-229 warranty Features and Basic Operation, Temperature, Tide, Chronograph, Timer