loudspeaker. When the relevant tappings have been selected add the individual wattages required at all speakers and select an amplifier with a rating equal to or exceeding the total wattage required. All of the transformer primaries should be connected in parallel to the output of this amplifier. If for example, you select the 30- watt transformer tap, it means that at full rated amplifier output the speaker will receive the full 30 watts. If the amplifier gain is reduced each speaker will receive a proportional amount of power, maintaining the overall system balance.
When calculating amplifier wattage requirements for a system, it is recommended that a generous wattage safety margin (3dB of headroom) be left so that the system does not have to operate continuously at its full rated output
7. Equalisation
The i6AW ICT loudspeaker is designed to need no equalisation or correction to overcome system limitations. As a result, it will only need equalisation to compensate for difficult acoustic environments.
Excess equalisation can reduce system headroom, and introduce phase distortion resulting in greater problems than it cures. If equalisation is required then it should be applied gently and smoothly. Violent equalisation will be detrimental to the overall sound quality. If the loudspeakers were being used consistently at high levels it would be beneficial to introduce a