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SOFT PRETZELS16 pretzels
water 80°F/27°C 1 1/4 cups
egg yolk room temperature 1
lemon juice 1 tsp
oil 1 TBL
sugar 2 TBL
salt 1 tsp
white pepper 1/8 tsp
bread flour 3 1/2 cups
active dry yeast 1 TBL
egg white 1
water 1 TBL
Toppings (optional):
kosher salt
sesame seeds
program 6
1. On a lightly floured surface cut dough into pieces. Roll each piece into a 16 inch rope. C r o s s
the ends of the rope to make a loop; twist the crossed ends once and fold across the loop.
2 . Place on a greased baking sheet 1 1/2 inches apart . B rush with glaze and sprinkle with
t o p p i n g . B a ke at 375°F/190°C 15-20 minutes or until done.
nVariationPepperoni Pretzels: Add 1 cup sliced pepperoni and 2 tablespoons parmesan cheese to dough
ingredients. Follow method for completion.