Callmaster 220
4.5 Phone Book
You can save up to 30 names (max. 15 characters) and numbers (max.
20 digits) in the electronic Phone Book of the Callmaster 220.
4.5.1 Saving an entry into the Phone Book memory
There are 3 ways to store a number into the Phone Book:
1.Manually entering a number and name into the Phone Book
2.By copying from the Call List into the Phone Book
3.When recording a name, the number will automatically be stored
into the Phone Book (see further: 5.1. Recording a name)
4.5.1a Adding a number manually into the Phone Book
- Press the Program/Call button a few times until you see “ENTER
NUMBER” on the display.
- Enter the desired telephone number by using the Up and Down
buttons to select the numbers. Use the Record button to
move the cursor to the right, and the Erase button Ø to delete the
last number and move the cursor to the left!
- Press the Program/Call button to confirm the number.
- “ENTER NAME” will appear on the display. Enter the name by using
the Up and Down buttons to select the characters. Use the
Record button to move the cursor to the right, and the Erase
button Ø to delete the last number and move the cursor to the left!
- Press the Program/Call button to confirm the name. The name
and number will be stored into the Phone Book. When the memory
is full, you will hear two beep sounds!
- Press the Erase button Ø to leave the menu.
Available Characters: These are the available characters when you
enter a name:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ! ~ # $
% & ’( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9: ; < = > ? @
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