haben X neue Nachrichten”; X is used to indicate the total number of (new)
5. After th is announcemen t the a nswering machi ne will p lay back the (new)
incoming messages. For each incoming message a voice tells you its number
and the day and time it was registered.
6. When all messages are played back, you wil l hear “End of messages”/“Ende
der Nachrichten”.
If there are new memo or incoming messages, only the new ones will be played
back. If there are no new mem o or incoming messages, the old ones will be
played back.
If there are no memo messages, the machine will immediatel y play back the
incoming messages. If there are no messages at all, the answering machine will
say: “You have no message”/“Sie haben keine Nachricht”.
The following table summarizes how the answering machine reacts in different
New New Old Old
Incoming Memo Incoming Memo
Message Message Message Message Reaction Answering Machine
Yes Yes Yes/None Yes/None Playback of new memo and
incoming messages
Yes None Yes/None Yes/None Playback of new messages only
None Yes Yes/None Yes/None Playback of new messages only
None None Yes Yes Playback of old memo and
incoming messages
None None Yes None Playback of old incoming
messages only
None None None Yes Playback of old memo
messages only
None None None None Voice: “You have no mes-
sage”/“Sie haben keine
1. Press the PLAYBACK/PAUSE button during message playback.
2. The answering machine introduces a 10 seconds pause. The display counts
down from 10 to 0.
3. Press the PLAYBACK/PAUSE button again to resume message playback.
If you wait for more than ten seconds, the answering machine switches to stand-
by. If you press the PLAYBACK/PAUSE button now, the answering machine will
play back all messages from the start again.
If you press another button after having pressed the PLA YBACK/PAUSE button
once, the machine will leave the playback mode and perform the function corren-
sponding to the button you pressed last.
During playback you can go to the next message by pressing the FAST FORWARD
button. If you press the REWIND button the me ssage will be repeated. If you
press the REWIND button for 1,5 second, the previous message will be repeated.
Press the STOP button during message playback to stop message playback.
6. ERASING MESSAGESDo not forget to erase incoming and memo messages after playback, otherwise
the memory of the answering machine can get full.
To erase a certain message, press the ERASE button during playback of this mes-
sage. The message will be erased and you will hear: “Message erased”/“Nachricht
gelöscht”. Then the answering machine will play back the following messages if
there a re more. Once a message is erase d it cannot be played back agai n.
Erasing cannot be undone.
After all messages have been played back, the answering machine will say: “End
of messages”/“Ende der Nachrichten”. Now you have 8 seconds time to erase all
messages. The display counts down from 8 to 0. Hold down the ERASE button
for 1,5 second to erase all messages. Then you will hear: “All messages erased” /