D. LNB Frequency

Select the L.O. Frequency of the LNB. The LNB Frequency of 5150, 9750, 10600, 10750, 11475, 9750/10600 or 9750/10700 can be selected by or button.

Also you can insert LNB frequency by using Numeric key on the RCU.

E. LNB Power

Select LNB power On to output the LNB voltage.

F. 22 KHz

If you are using a 22 KHz tone switch box, make 22 KHz tone switch enable or disable to select LNB or antenna.

NOTE: If the LNB Frequency is set to Universal LNB (9750/10600 or 9750/10700), it is not possible to set 22KHz because high or low band is selected by 22KHz.

G. DiSEqC 1.1