About device

About device includes information about your device.


Tap to open the Status screen with a long list of information about your battery, mobile network connection and other details.

Battery use

Tap to open a list of the applications and operating system components you have used since you last connected the device to a power source, sorted by the amount of power they have used.

Legal information

Tap to open a screen where you can obtain legal information about the softwares included with your device.

System information

Tap to open a screen that displays some basic information of your device, such as Manufacture, Product name, Product version and Serial number, etc.

Model number

Display the model number of your device

Android version

Display the current Android version installed in your device.

Baseband version

Display the baseband version.

Kernel version

Display the kernel version.

Build number

Display the build number.

Desktop settings

You can use Desktop settings to customize the desktop.

Auto-Switch Desktop

Check this option to permit switching your desktop based automatically on the location.

Set up My Desktops

Tap to open a screen where you can set your desktop’s name, such as My Home, My Office, etc.

Select Wallpaper

Tap to open a screen where you can set your desktop’s wallpaper.

User’s Manual
