Programming the Remote Control (Continued)
●In some rare cases, you may not be able to operate your
VCR code table
Adventura ............... | 019 |
Aiko ........................ | 297 |
Aiwa ....................... | 019 |
Akai ........................ | 060,068,080,125, |
| 261 |
American High ....... | 054 |
Asha ........................ | 259 |
Audiovox ................ | 056 |
Beaumark ................ | 259 |
Bell & Howell ........ | 123 |
Brandt ..................... | 206 |
Broksonic ................ | 140,203,230,314, |
| 380 |
Calix ....................... | 056 |
Canon ...................... | 054 |
Capehart .................. | 039 |
Carver ..................... | 100 |
CCE ........................ | 091,297 |
Citizen .................... | 056,297 |
Colt ......................... | 091 |
Craig ....................... | 056,066,091,259 |
Curtis Mathes ......... | 054,060,079 |
Cybernex ................. | 259 |
Daewoo ................... | 039,064,297 |
Daytron ................... | 039 |
Dynatech ................. | 019 |
Electrohome ............ | 056 |
Electrophonic .......... | 056 |
Emerex .................... | 051 |
Emerson .................. | 019,021,056,062, |
| 080,087,140,203, |
| 227,228,230,231, |
| 297,313,314,380, |
| 498 |
Fisher ...................... | 066,073,085,123 |
Fuji .......................... | 052,054 |
Funai ....................... | 019,344 |
Garrard .................... | 019,344 |
GE ........................... | 054,079,084,221 |
Goldstar .................. | 037,056,057 |
Gradiente ................ | 019 |
Harley Davidson ..... | 019 |
Harman/Kardon ...... | 057,094 |
Harwood ................. | 087,091 |
Headquarter ............ | 065 |
066 | |
Hitachi .................... | 060,061,084,124, |
| 185, 254 |
Jensen ..................... | 060 | Radio Shack ............ | 019,056,344 |
JVC ......................... | 027,060,086 | Radix ...................... | 056 |
Kenwood ................ | 057,060,086 | Randex .................... | 056 |
KLH ........................ | 091 | RCA ........................ | 061,079,084,096, |
Kodak ..................... | 054,056 |
| 124,125,168,221 |
Lloyd ...................... | 019 | Realistic .................. | 019,054,056,065, |
Lloyd’s .................... | 227 |
| 066,067,081,085, |
Logik ...................... | 091 |
| 123,259 |
LXI ......................... | 056 | Ricoh ...................... | 053 |
Magnavox ................... | 054,058,100,129,168 | Runco ...................... | 058 |
Magnin .................... | 259 | Samsung ................. | 064,259 |
Marantz ................... | 054,100 | Sanky ...................... | 058,067 |
Marta ....................... | 056 | Sansui ..................... | 060,086 |
Matsushita .............. | 054 | Sanyo ...................... | 065,066,123,259 |
MEI ......................... | 054 | Scott ........................ | 062,064,140,203, |
Memorex ................. | 019,054,056,058, |
| 229,230,231 |
| 065,066,067,123, | Sears ....................... | 054,056,061,065, |
| 259 |
| 066,073,085,123, |
MGA ....................... | 062,080 |
| 124 |
MGN Technology ... | 259 | Sharp ....................... | 067,081 |
Minolta ................... | 061,124 | Shintom .................. | 091 |
Mitsubishi ............... | 062,080,086,094 | Shogun .................... | 259 |
| 192,233,261 | Singer ...................... | 091 |
Motorola ................. | 054,067 | Sony ........................ | 051,052,053,054 |
MTC ....................... | 019,259 | STS ......................... | 061 |
Multitech ................ | 019,091 | Sylvania .................. | 019,054,062,100, |
NAD ....................... | 077 |
| 129 |
NEC ............................ | 057,059,060,069,086 | Symphonic .............. | 019,344 |
Nikko ...................... | 056 | Tatung ..................... | 060 |
Noblex .................... | 259 | Teac ........................ | 019,060 |
Olympus ................. | 054 | Technics .................. | 054,181 |
Optimus .................. | 056,067,077,123 | Teknika ................... | 019,054,056,071 |
Optonica ................. | 081 | Telefunken .............. | 206 |
Orion ....................... | 498 | TMK ....................... | 227,259 |
Panasonic .................... | 054,096,181,244,473 | Toshiba ................... | 062,064,085,229, |
Penney .................... | 054,056,057,059, |
| 231,385 |
| 061,073,259 | Totevision ............... | 056,259 |
Pentax ..................... | 061,084,124 | Unitech ................... | 259 |
Philco ...................... | 054 | Vector ..................... | 064 |
Philips ..................... | 054,081,100,129 | Vector Research...... | 057,059 |
Pilot ........................ | 056 | Video Concepts ...... | 059,064,080 |
Pioneer .................... | 077,086 | Videosonic .............. | 259 |
Portland .................. | 039 | Wards ...................... | 019,054,061,066, |
Protec ...................... | 091 |
| 067,081,091,168, |
Pulsar ...................... | 058 |
| 231,259 |
Quarter .................... | 065 | 019,054,091 | |
Quarts ..................... | 065 | Yamaha ................... | 057 |
Quasar ..................... | 054,096 | Zenith ...................... | 052,053,058 |