Getting to Know the Windows® XP Operating System

Lesson 7: Resizing, repositioning, and hiding windows

Close windowsChoose your option depending on how you wish to set up your desktop.Minimizing and maximizing windows

1To make the Explorer window the active window, click the Windows Explorer button on the taskbar.

The operating system highlights the Windows® Explorer title bar to show that Windows® Explorer is the active window.

2Click the Minimize button at the top-right of the Explorer window to hide the window.

Windows® Explorer disappears from the desktop. However, it is still open, as you can see from the taskbar.

HINT: Minimizing program windows is a good way to clean up the desktop without actually closing programs.

3 Click the Maximize button in the top-right corner of the Paint window.

The Paint window expands to fill the screen, hiding everything except the taskbar. Notice that the Maximize button has changed. It is now called the Restore button.

HINT: Maximizing a program is a good way to work when you are only using that program and do not want any distractions on the screen.

Resizing and moving windows
1Click the Restore button in the top-right corner of the Paint window.