30 Contents
5.375 x 8.375 ver 3.1
Lesson 3: Learning about the Internet ................. 139
Lesson 4: Creating a new document.................... 140
Lesson 5: Creating a new folder........................... 141
Lesson 6: Starting programs ............................... 142
Lesson 7: Resizing, repositioning,
and hiding windows...................................... 144
Using the taskbar........................................... 145
Minimizing and maximizing windows ............ 145
Resizing and moving windows....................... 146
Lesson 8: Closing programs ............................... 147
Lesson 9: Creating shortcuts............................... 148
Creating a shortcut to the Calculator.............. 148
Creating a shortcut to the Character Map ...... 149
Lesson 10: Changing the screen saver................. 151
Lesson 11: Setting the date and time................... 154
Lesson 12: Removing objects from the desktop.. 156
Lesson 13: Using System Restore....................... 158
Lesson 14: If I am lost, what do I do? ................. 159
Windows® XP Help and Support Center ........ 159
Using the online tours and tutorials............... 161
Lesson 15: Turning off your computer................. 162
Chapter 5: Exploring Your Options.......................... 163Windows® XP special features............................. 163
Personalizing your desktop.................................. 164
Customizing the taskbar ................................ 164
Bringing the world to your desktop................ 165
Changing desktop and browsing style ........... 166
Personalizing individual windows .................. 167
Customizing window toolbars........................ 168
Displaying information about each folder....... 169
Using your computer at the office........................ 170
Setting up for communications...................... 171
Connecting the modem to a telephone line.... 172