5.375 x 8.375 ver 3.1
Enabling Hibernation............................................ 160
Setting passwords ............................................... 160
Using an instant password............................. 161
Setting a user password ................................ 162
Disabling a user password............................. 162
Setting a supervisor password....................... 163
Deleting a supervisor password..................... 164
Using the TOSHIBA Zooming Utility..................... 165
Using the TOSHIBA Touch and Launch utility...... 166
Chapter 6: If Something Goes Wrong ..................... 170
Problems that are easy to fix ............................... 170
Problems when you turn on the computer........... 172
The Windows® operating system is not working.. 173
Using Startup options to fix problems ........... 174
Internet problems .......................................... 175
The Windows® XP operating system can
help you................................................... 175
Resolving a hardware conflict.............................. 176
A plan of action.............................................. 176
Resolving hardware conflicts on your own .... 177
Fixing a problem with Device Manager .......... 178
Memory problems ......................................... 180
Power and the batteries ................................. 181
Keyboard problems........................................ 182
Display problems........................................... 183
Disk drive problems....................................... 185
DVD-ROM or multi-function drive problems.. 188
Sound system problems................................ 189
PC Card problems.......................................... 189
Printer problems............................................ 192
Modem problems........................................... 193
Develop good computing habits .......................... 194
If you need further assistance.............................. 195