Performing a Preview Search
1.Select a single camera by either turning off all cameras but one or
2.Click Preview Search. 24 images display. If there is no recorded video during a portion of the day, “No Image” will be displayed where the image should be.
3.Refine the search by
4.Refine the search by
6.Use the Play controls to play the video of the selected segment.
7.To exit out of the Preview search with the current image still selected, click Preview Search again to clear it.
The Graphic Search option displays video in graph format.
Cameras | Recording Block |
Performing a Graphic Search
1.Click Graphic Search and then click Recording Status on the Search screen.
2.Click the calendar icon to select a day.
3.Click on an area of the blue recording block. Only one camera can be displayed at a time.
4.Recorded video from the corresponding camera and time block will display above.
5.Use the mouse or arrow buttons to move through recording blocks and view video.