4.30 Fluorescent Lamp 4 Replacement Procedures
4.30.10 Replacing the 14.1-inch XGA Samsung Fluorescent Lamp
CAUTION: When you replace the fluorescent lamp, wear finger covers or gloves to
avoid contaminating or damaging the LCD module. Be careful not to let dust or other
foreign substances into the LCD module.
Disassembling the 14.1-inch XGA Samsung Fluorescent Lamp
To disassemble the 14.1-inch XGA Samsung fluorescent lamp, follow the steps below and
refer to figures 4-160 to 4-167.
1. Flip the LCD module over and remove the PCB cover and three pieces of tape.
CAUTION: Use care not to damage the PCB.
PCB cover
Wire tape Tape
Figure 4-160 Removing the PCB cover and tape
Satellite A20 Maintenance Manual (960-444) 4-199