Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)
Characteristics Symbol Rating Unit
Power supply voltage VDD 0.3~6.0 V
Input voltage VIN 0.3~VDD + 0.3 V
Power dissipation PD 1400 mW
Operating temperature Topr 40~85 °C
Storage temperature Tstg 65~150 °C

Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C, VDD = MVDD = AVDD = DVDD = XVDD = 5 V,

2VREF = P2VREF = 4.2 V, VREF = PVREF = 2.1 V, unless otherwise specified)

MVDD (CPU unit power supply)

Characteristics Symbol
Circuit Test Condition Min Typ. Max Unit
When CPU and CD operating.
MVDD VDD (Note 5)
4.5 5.0 5.5
When CPU operating
(CD powered off, 4.5 MHz
crystal connected) (Note 5)
4.5 5.0 5.5
Operating supply voltage
MVDD3 When CPU operating (CD
powered off, 75 kHz crystal
connected) (Note 5)
2.7 5.0 5.5
Memory retention voltage range MVHD W hen crystal oscillator stopped
(CKSTP instruction executed)
(Note 5)
2.0 ~ 5.5 V
MVDD1 When CPU operating
(XI = 16.9344 MHz crystal
1.0 2.0
MVDD2 When CPU operating(MXI =
4.5 MHz crystal connected) 2.0 4.0
MVDD3 When CPU operating (MXI =
75 kHz crystal connected) 0.75 2.0
Operating supply current
MVDD4 Standby mode (only crystal
oscillating, 4.5 MHz or 75 kHz
crystal connected)
0.5 15
Memory retention current MIHD When crystal oscillator stopped
(CKSTP instruction executed) 0.1 1.0 µA
f MXT1 Rf = 1 M, Rout = 0 ,
Ci = Co = 30 pF (Note 5, 6) 4.5 MHz
Crystal oscillation frequency
f MXT2 Rf = 10 M, Rout = 100 k,
Ci = Co = 15 pF,
MVDD = 2.7~5.5 V (Note 5, 6)
75 kHz
Crystal oscillation start time tst Crystal oscillation fmxt = 75
kHz 1.0 s

Note 5: Guaranteed at VDD = MVDD = 4.5 to 5.5 V and Ta = 40 to 85°C

Note 6: Consider the crystal resonator used in your system when determining constants, etc.