VDD (CD unit power supply) Characteristics Symbol
Circuit Test Condition Min Typ. Max Unit
Operating supply voltage VDD ― MVDD ≥ VDD (Note 5) 4.5 5.0 5.5 V
Operating supply current I DD ― When 16.9344 MHz crystal
connected ― 50 60 mA
Crystal oscillation frequency fXT ― Rout = 0 Ω, Ci = Co = 15 pF
(Note 5, 6) ― 16.9344 ― MHz
Note 5: Guaranteed at VDD = MVDD = 4.5 to 5.5 V and Ta = −40 to 85°C
Note 6: Consider the crystal resonator used in your system when determining constants, etc.
LCD Common Output (COM1/OT1 to COM4/OT4)
Characteristics Symbol
Circuit Test Condition Min Typ. Max Unit
IOH2 ―
VOH = 4.5 V (When LCD
output, settings OT output,
LEDon = 0)
−0.1 −0.2 ―
High level
IOH5 ― VOH = 4.5 V (Settings OT
output, LEDon = 1) −20 −40 ―
IOL2 ―
VOL = 0.5 V (When LCD
output, settings OT output,
LEDon = 0)
0.1 0.2 ―
Output current
Low level
IOL5 ― VOL = 0.5 V (Settings OT
output, LEDon = 1) 4 10 ―
Output voltage 1/2 level VBS ― Nonloaded (when LCD output) 2.1 2.3 2.5 V
Segment Output
(S1/OT4 to S10/OT14, S11/OT15 to P8-0/S14 to P8-3/S18)
Characteristics Symbol
Circuit Test Condition Min Typ. Max Unit
IOH1 ―
VOH = 4.5 V
(When LCD output, settings
OT output, LEDon = 0)
−0.05 −0.1 ―
High level
IOH4 ―
VOH = 4.5 V
(Settings OT output,
LEDon = 1, I/O port)
−2 −4 ―
IOL1 ―
VOL = 0.5 V
(When LCD output, settings
OT output, LEDon = 0)
0.05 0.1 ―
Output current
Low level
IOL5 ―
VOL = 0.5 V
(Settings OT output,
LEDon = 1, I/O port)
5 10 ―
Input leakage current ILI ― VIH = 5.0 V, VIL = 0 V
(P8-0 to P8-3) ― ― ±1.0 µA
High level VIH ― (P8-0 to P8-3) MVDD
× 0.8 ~ MVDD
Input voltage
Low level VIL ― (P8-0 to P8-3) 0 ~ MVDD
× 0.2