Chapter 6, Test Function, describes how to conduct the
loopback test.
The Appendixes provide technical information.
The Glossary defines telecommunications terminology.
The Index quickly directs you to information contained in the
user’s guide.


This user’s guide uses the following formats to describe, identify,
and highlight terms and operating procedures.


On first appearance, and whenever necessary for clarity,
abbreviations are enclosed in parentheses following their
definition. For example: Read Only Memory (ROM). Acronyms
are also defined in the Glossary.


The keyboard keys are used in the text to describe many computer
operations. A distinctive typeface identifies the key top symbols as
they appear on the keyboard. For example, Enter identifies the
Enter key.

Key operation

Some operations require you to simultaneously use two or more
keys. We identify such operations by the key top symbols
separated by a plus sign (+). For example, Ctrl + C means you must
hold down Ctrl and at the same time press C. If three keys are used,
hold down the first two and at the same time press the third.