AT Commands
AT command formats 19
6LAPM or MNP or None, depending on V.42 negotiation.
7V42bis or MNP or None, depending on V.42 negotiation.
8Mean-square error of received downstream signal. This is a
dimensionless decimal number, only valid during a call.
Higher numbers are worse. There’s no absolute threshold of
good reception; it depends on the downstream data rate. The
number varies during a call, so it can be useful to sample it a
few times.
9The received signal power, although labeled -dBm, is only a
relative measure for comparing calls to/from different
locations. Only valid during a call.
10 Upstream transmit signal power.
11 Round-trip delay in millliseconds.
12 Echo levels are valid for V.34 only.
13 Echo levels are valid for V.34 only.
14 Number of LAPM frames sent upstream during this call.
Count wraps around at 65535.
15 Number of REJ frames received at the analog client modem.
16 Number of LAPM frames received by client during this call.
Count wraps around at 65535.
17 Number of frames received in error by the client.
18 Number of retrains or rate renegotiations requested by this
19 Number of retrains or rate renegotiations requested by remote
20 Reason for call ending, only valid after call ends:
0 = Local modem command: ATH, DTR drop
1 = Remote modem: cleardown, loss of signal