snmp-server traps snmp [ linkup | linkdown | warmstart | coldstart ]
no snmp-server traps snmp [ linkup | linkdown | warmstart | coldstart ]
linkup —— Enable linkup trap. It is sent when port status changes from
linkdown to linkup. By default, it is enabled.
linkdown ——Enable linkdown trap. It is sent when port status changes from
linkup to linkdown. By default, it is enabled.
warmstart —— Enable warmstart trap. It is sent upon SNMP function reboot. By
default, it is enabled.
coldstart —— Enable coldstart trap. It is sent upon switch reboot. By default, it is
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Enable SNMP standard linkup trap for the switch:
TL-SG2424(config)# snmp-server traps snmp linkup
snmp-server traps link-status Description
The snmp-server traps link-status command is used to enable SNMP link
status trap for the specified port. To disable the sending of SNMP link status trap,
please use no snmp-server traps link-status command.
snmp-server traps link-status
no snmp-server traps link-status
Command Mode
Interface Configuration Mode (interface gigabitEthernet / interface range
Enable SNMP link status trap for port 3:
TL-SG2424(config)# interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/3
TL- SG2424(config-if)# snmp-server traps link-status