show rmon event Description
The show rmon event command is used to display the configuration of
show rmon event [ index ]
index —— The index number of the entry selected to display the configuration,
ranging from 1 to 12, in the format of 1-3, 5. You can select more than one entry
for each command. By default, the configuration of all SNMP-RMON enabled
entries is displayed.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC Mode and Any Configuration Mode
Display the Event configuration of entry1-4:
TL-SG2424# show rmon event 1-4
show rmon alarm Description
The show rmon alarm command is used to display the configuration of the
Alarm Management entry.
show rmon alarm [ index ]
index —— The index number of the entry selected to display the configuration,
ranging from 1 to 12, in the format of 1-3, 5. You can select more than one entry
for each command. By default, the configuration of all Alarm Management
entries is displayed.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC Mode and Any Configuration Mode
Display the configuration of the Alarm Management entry 1-2:
TL-SG2424# show rmon alarm 1-2