300Mbps Wireless N Router TL-WR940N/TL-WR941ND
the Setup page of the router's Web-Based Utility locally from inside the network, check the radio
button “Only the PCs listed can browse the built-in web pages to perform Administrator
tasks”, and then enter each MAC Address in a separate field. The format for the MAC Address is
XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX (X is any hexadecimal digit). Only the PCs with MAC address listed can
use the password to browse the built-in web pages to perform Administrator tasks while all the
others will be blocked.
After click the Add button, your PC's MAC Address will be placed in the list above.
Click the Save button to save your settings.
) Note:
If your PC is blocked but you want to access the router again, use a pin to press and hold the
Reset Button (hole) on the back panel for about 5 seconds to reset the router’s factory defaults
on the router’s Web-Based Utility.
4.9.4 Remote Management Choose menu “Security → Remote Management”, you can configure the Remote Management
function in the screen as shown in Figure 4-41. This feature allows you to manage your router
from a remote location via the Internet.
Figure 4-41 Remote Management
¾ Web Management Port - Web browser access normally uses the standard HTTP service
port 80. This router's default remote management web port number is 80. For greater security,
you can change the remote management web port to a custom port by entering that number
in the box provided. Choose a number between 1 and 65534 but do not use the number of
any common service port.
¾ Remote Management IP Address - This is the current address you will use when accessing
your router from the Internet. This function is disabled when the IP address is set to the
default value of To enable this function change to a valid IP address. If set to, then all the hosts can access the router from internet.
) Note:
1. To access the router, you should type your router's WAN IP address into your browser's
address (in IE) or Location (in Navigator) box, followed by a colon and the custom port