Getting Started
Trango Broadband Wireless — Access5830 User Manual Rev. F page 10
The following describes the primary features and pages of the HTTP Browser interface:
Navigation Column: The blue rectangular column on the left of all pages. The top displays the model number of the
radio to which you are connected. On the bottom of the Navigation Column is the Current Status of the radio, including
its Base ID, AP ID, and current Opmode. In addition, there are the following links:
System Information Page: Shows most of the basic configuration parameters of the radio. It is the first page shown
after login.
Configuration Page: The essential parameters, such as Base ID, channel, and polarization, are set here.
Advanced Setup Page: The advanced RF parameters, such as Transmit Power, are set here.
Site Survey Page: From here, in Opmode “OFF,” the user can conduct a spectrum analysis.
Subscriber Database Page: This is the page that defines which SUs can associate with the AP.
Link Control Page: With this page you can determine which SUs are connected, and how they are performing.
Command Console Page: Runs any console command that is not interactive (i.e. ipconfig). The results are reported
back on the HTTP screen. For a complete list of console commands, type "help" in the entry field.
Logout Link: This will end the current HTTP session with the radio.
Help Page: The Browser Interface features useful Help pages that explain all listed parameters. To access the help
pages click on the Help link. For a complete description on the use of the Browser Interface, see Appendix A.
Command Line Interface Although most radio functions can be managed using the browser interface, the command line interface (CLI) does
provide slightly more functionality. The CLI can be accessed through Telnet (all radios), or via the serial port (excluding
FOX radios).
Open a command prompt (DOS) session on your PC. Open a Telnet session by typing:
telnet [<ip address of radio>]
All Trango radios (APs and SUs) are factory pre-configured with a default IP address of In Telnet you
will be greeted with the current hardware and firmware information, and prompted for a password. Type in the password
and press enter. The factory default password is trango.
To terminate a CLI session (Telnet or Serial) type the command logout.
! Note: Type help or ? for a listing of all CLI commands. Type help [<command>], for the syntax of a particular
The majority of the CLI commands will be covered throughout this text as well as in Appendix D -- Command Set
If you can not telnet into the radio or open an HTTP browser session, check your cable connections to ensure proper use
of cross-over vs. straight-through cable, and ensure your PC’s subnet is routable to the radio’s IP address. If you still
cannot access the radio’s management interfaces, consult the troubleshooting guide available at