Trango Broadband Wireless — Access5830 User Manual Rev. F page 43
SU Bandwidth Monitoring
• suEthRXAvgThroughputLog – Average payload data throughput (in Kbits/sec) received on the Ethernet port over
the period specified by suStatisticsSamplePeriod (1 ~ 60 minutes).
• suEthTXAvgThroughputLog - Average payload data throughput (in Kbits/sec) transmitted on the Ethernet port over
the period specified by suStatisticsSamplePeriod (1 ~ 60 minutes).
• suRFRXAvgThroughputLog - Average payload data throughput (in Kbits/sec) received on the RF link over the
period specified by suStatisticsSamplePeriod (1 ~ 60 minutes).
• suRFTXAvgThroughputLog - Average payload data throughput (in Kbits/sec) transmitted on the RF link over the
period specified by suStatisticsSamplePeriod (1 ~ 60 minutes).
• suRfInOctets – Number of octets of payload transmitted from AP’s RF port.
• suRfOutOctets – Number of octets of payload received on AP’s RF port.
AP Bandwidth Monitoring
• aptrafficEthRXAvgThroughputLog – Average payload data throughput (in Kbits/sec) received on the Ethernet port
over the period of 1 minute.
• aptrafficEthTXAvgThroughputLog – Average payload data throughput (in Kbits/sec) transmitted on the Ethernet
port over a period of 1 minute.
• aptrafficRFRXAvgThroughputLog – Average payload data throughput (in Kbits/sec) received on the RF link over
a period of 1 minute.
• aptrafficRFTXAvgThroughputLog – Average payload data throughput (in Kbits/sec) transmitted on the RF link
over the period of 1 minute.
• aptrafficEthInOctets – Number of octets of payload received on the Ethernet port.
• aptrafficEthOutOctets – Number of octets of payload transmitted on the Ethernet port.
• aptrafficRfInOctets – Number of octets of payload received on the RF port.
• aptrafficRfOutOctets – Number of octets of payload transmitted on the RF port.
Link Status Monitoring –Various traps are defined as follows:
• Cold start – when SNMP agent starts running
• Link Up – when the AP enters Opmode “AP”
• Link Down – when the AP reboots
• SU Link Up – when SU associates to the AP
• SU Link Down – when SU disassociates from the AP
• “AP” Opmode Failure – when AP fails to enter Opmode “AP”
AP and SU Control – SNMP also provides several control capabilities. The majority of the features available on the CLI are
also available via SNMP. Here are a few of these features:
• Add/delete subscriber
• Change channel
• Set power
• Set radio sensitivity
Review the Trango MIB (trango_m5830sap_1p0.mib) for the complete listing of MIB Objects.
SNMP Setup Trango Broadband provides only the MIB portion of the SNMP Management system. The radios act as individual agents. It is
up to the user to provide an SNMP Manager software from a third party vendor. Below is an example of the setup process for
SNMPc from Castle Rock™.
1. Unzip file to a local temporary directory.
2. Go to your local temporary directory. There you will see the 4 files shown below.
a. trango_m5830sap_1p0.mib – M5830S AP MIB file
b. trango.ico – M5830S AP icon
c. autoico.txt – instruction file (Selects Trango icon automatically during initial set-up.)
3. Copy trango_m5830sap_1p0.mib file to C:\Program Files\SNMPc Network Manager\mibfiles
4. Copy autoico.txt file to C:\Program Files\SNMPc Network Manager\mibfiles