Trango Broadband Wireless — Access5830 User Manual Rev. F page 58
Command Description
U Remarks
su reboot <su-id> reboot one SU AP
su reboot all reboot all associated SU AP
su restart <su-id> restart one SU AP
su restart all restart all associated SU AP
su rssi <su-id> request SU’s RSSI AP
su status <su-id> display request SU’s current status:
1. Current time mark
2. RF receives user payload in
3. RF transmits user payload
in Kbytes
4. Local Ethernet receives
user payload in Kbytes
5. Local Ethernet transmits
user payload in Kbytes
6. Current RSSI
7. Current RF Tx Power
8. Current temp
su sw <su-id | all> <sw #> <on | off> set SU’s sw # on or off AP
su testrflink <suid> [<r>] send 20 1512 bytes long packet
payload to <suid> and listen
r: will repeat until user presses space
AP Example:
su testrflink 10 r
su testrflink all [<r>] send 20 1512 bytes long packet to all
associated SU and listen
su testrflink aptx [<# of pkts, 20..100>] set or display # of pkts per cycle AP default = 20
su testrflink setlen [<length in bytes>] set or display the length of test
<length> = 64 .. 1600 and must be
times X4
AP default length = 1512
sudb add <suid> <pr | reg> <cir> <mir>
<device id>
add new entry to SUDB AP Example: sudb add 7 pr 9999
9999 00 01 DE 34 32 E5
sudb delete <suid | all> remove one or all entries from
sudb dload download and interpret SUDB file
from TFTP buffer and write to flash
AP Used to load a text file that
contains the SUDB into the AP.
This command can be useful if
there are large numbers of SUs
associated with an AP. User will
create a text file according to the
format described in the
“management” chapter. User
must TFTP the SUDB file into
the radio’s TFTP buffer. Then
type the command sudb dload.
Note: This command must be
followed by save sudb.
sudb modify <suid> <cir | mir> <kbps> modify CIR and MIR setting in one
AP Example: sudb modify 7 cir 516
sudb modify <suid> <su2su> <group-id,
modify group ID for SU to SU
AP Example: sudb modify 7 su2su 6