Access Point Setup
Security Profile Screen This screen is displayed when you select a Profile on the Security Profiles screen, and click the
Configure button.
Figure 12: Security Profile Screen
Profile Data
Enter the desired settings for each of the following:
Profile Name Enter a suitable name for this profile.
SSID Enter the desired SSID. Each profile must have a unique SSID.
Wireless Band Select the wireless band or bands for this profile. If your Wireless
Access Point only has a single band, then only 1 option is available.
Security Settings
Select the desired option, and then enter the settings for the selected method.
The available options are:
• None - No security is used. Anyone using the correct SSID can connect to your network.
• WEP - The 802.11b standard. Data is encrypted before transmission, but the encryption
system is not very strong.
• WPA-PSK - Like WEP, data is encrypted before transmission. WPA is more secure than
WEP, and should be used if possible. The PSK (Pre-shared Key) must be entered on each
Wireless station. The 256Bit encryption key is derived from the PSK, and changes fre-
• WPA-802.1x - This version of WPA requires a Radius Server on your LAN to provide the
client authentication according to the 802.1x standard. Data transmissions are encrypted
using the WPA standard.
If this option is selected: