Wireless Access Point User Guide
Statistics Screen This screen is displayed when the 2.4GHz Statistics button on the Status screen is clicked. It
shows details of the traffic flowing through the Wireless Access Point.
Figure 50: Statistics Screen
Data - Statistics Screen
System Up Time
Up Time This indicates how long the system has been running since the last
restart or reboot.
2.4GHz Wireless
Authentication The number of "Authentication" packets received. Authentication
is the process of identification between the AP and the client.
Deauthentication The number of "Deauthentication" packets received. Deauthentica-
tion is the process of ending an existing authentication relationship.
Association The number of "Association" packets received. Association creates
a connection between the AP and the client. Usually, clients associ-
ate with only one (1) AP at any time.
Disassociation The number of "Disassociation" packets received. Disassociation
breaks the existing connection between the AP and the client.
Reassociation The number of "Reassociation" packets received. Reassociation is
the service that enables an established association (between AP and
client) to be transferred from one AP to another (or the same) AP.
MSDU Number of valid Data packets transmitted to or received from
Wireless Stations, at application level.
Data Number of valid Data packets transmitted to or received from
Wireless Stations, at driver level.