Advanced Features •
Auto Configuration. The Wireless Access Point can perform self-configuration by
copying the configuration data from another Access Point. This feature is enabled by de-
• Auto Update. The Wireless Access Point can automatically update its firmware, by
downloading and installing new firmware from your FTP server.
• Command Line Interface. If desired, the command line interface (CLI) can be used for
configuration. This provides the possibility of creating scripts to perform common con-
figuration changes.
• NetBIOS & WINS Support. Support for both NetBIOS broadcast and WINS (Win-
dows Internet Naming Service) allows the Wireless Access Point to easily fit into your
existing Windows network.
• Radius Accounting Support. If you have a Radius Server, you can use it to provide
accounting data on Wireless clients.
• Syslog Support. If you have a Syslog Server, the Wireless Access Point can send its log
data to your Syslog Server.
• SNMP Support. SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is supported, allowing
you to use a SNMP program to manage the Wireless Access Point.
• UAM Support. The Wireless Access Point supports UAM (Universal Access Method),
making it suitable for use in Internet cafes and other sites where user access time must be
accounted for.
• WDS Support. Support for WDS (Wireless Distribution System) allows the Wireless
Access Point to act as a Wireless Bridge. Both Point-to-Point and Multi-Point Bridge
modes are supported.