

Check list



WhenMotormotorstops duringstops inuse.

Check if the cord is plugged properly



- Check if the power cord is plugged in properly



middle of using.

- CheckCheckififallallpartspartsareareassembledassembledcorrectlycorrectly.




- It may not work if lots of juicing materials are inserted at the same time.


It might not work if lots of materials are inserted at the same time.



- When appliance stops in the middle of operation then turn the switch to “OFF”



appliance stops in middle of operation then turn the switch to“OFF” and


and press “REVERSE” switch to unclog the materials in the Vertical Auger. Then


press“REVERSE” switch to unclog the materials in the juicing screw. Then press


press the “FORWARD” switch to push the materials down.



the“FORWARD” switch to push the materials down the screw. (Repeat the steps 3


(Repeat this step 3 times)









- Turn the switch to “OFF” and place the Main Body in a cool area. Let appliance




area. Let


Turnrest fortheanswitchhourtoto“OFF”coolanddownplacethethemotormotorandaroundwork againcool temperature.


- applianceRemove allresttheforhardn hourseedsin inorderthetojuicingwork againmaterials.

before juicing. Hard seeds


may break down the juicing screen.





using the materials with the hard seed in it, please remove all the seeds in


the materials to use. It may break down the juicing strainer.


AAmountount ofofjuicejuiceisislittle

erent amount of juice depends on how fresh they are.


- To extract more juice out of the refrigerated materials, soak foods in clean

too little.

To extract more juice out of the refrigerated materials, put it in the clean water and

water before juicing.


wait until the materials are most enough to be extracted.

-Check if the Pressure Plug is assembled properly.

ber which it is hard to extract, to get a best result extract carrot

ber materials. Such as, pears and oranges. Please cut the carrots into quarterly to get a best result.

Check if the pressure silicon is assembled properly.

When you extract a lot of amount juice with seeded fruits, wash the bowl in the middle of extraction.

Juicing bowl is shaking in the

It is completely normal thatthejuicing bowl is shaking little bit in operation.

Juice Container is

- It is completely normal if

juice container is shaking a little bit during



middleshakingof operationin the middle.






of operation.





SeemsSeemslikelikejuicingVerticalscrew is

- JuicingVerticalscrewAugerandandstrainerJuicingis Screenstick together,are stuckso dotogether,not operateso dofornota loperateng timeforwhena

Auger is grinding.

therelong istimenothingwithoutto befeedingxtractany. foods.







- Turnrn thetheswitchswitchtoto“OF“OFF”” thenthencheckcheckif theif thepartspartsareareassembledassembledproproperlyerly.

sounds coming from

- Check if the appliance is operating on an uneven surface.


if the appliance is on uneven surface.

the machine.

- There may be squeaky friction noise while in use. This is a normal sound that


might be friction noise while in use. This is the sound of wiping in the juicing


occurs, and user should not worry about it.


bowl. After inserting materials, noise will disappear.


- Check if juicing materials are cut in the right sizes.



if materials are cut in right portion.



Check list


BoundaryJuice is spilledappearsoutinonjuice.


after extraction.

- ThereIt maymighthappenbe ifa boundarythe Pressurein juicePlugbecauseis not assembledof aterial’sproperlydensity.

the appliance body.

Please checkrentiffrompressurehighplugspeedisextractionassembledsoproperlythat juice. is normal condition.

Spilled out on the

It might happen if the pressure silicon is not assembled properly.


After extraction, the

Please check if pressure silicon is assembled properly.


appliancecolor of thebodyJuicing.


clean and may even result in performance resistance.


parts and Juice Container




are changed.

and warm water.





- Disassemble Silicone Wiping Blades and wash them separately.

After the extraction, the


cult to clean as

parts and bowl color are

well as the reason of the performance resistance.

ect the color of




rst and then use soap.





silicones from wiper and you are able to wash them separately.




Fruitstar Juicer Registration

Tribest Corp.


Cerritos, CA 90703




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Tribest FS-610 manual TROUBLESHOOTINGQ&Aroubleshooting, Status Check list