
operating your machine,



carefully readand understand all safety, controls and operating instructions in this Manual,the separateEngine Owner'sManual,and on the decalson the machine. Failureto follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury.


This Section describes the location and function of the controls on your tiller. Refer to the following Section, Operationfor de- tailed operating instructions.

Practice using these controls, with the en-

gine shut off, until you understandthe op- eration of the controls and feel confident

with each of them.


Referto the enginemanufacturer'sEngine Owner'sManual (included in the tiller liter- ature package)to identify the controls on your engine.

ForwardClutch Bail

ReverseClutch Control


(Model 644A)




Handlebar Height Adjustment

Wheel Drive Pin (oneachwheel)

Figure 3-1: Tiller features and controls. See separate EngineOwner's Manual to identify

engine controls.

Forward Clutch Bail (all models) or the Re- verse Clutch Control (Model 644A) is en- gaged.

IMPORTANT:Thecontrol for stopping the engine is located onthe engine.


Eachwheel is equippedwith a wheel drive pin (A, Figures3-2 and 3-3) that secures the wheel to the wheel shaft (B). The wheelscan be positioned in either a WHEELDRIVEor a FREEWHEELmode.

either of the wheelsto bein the

_ WARNING: Neverallow FREEWHEELposition when the

engineis running. Always put both wheelsin the WHEEL DRIVEposition before starting the engine.

Failureto comply could cause loss of tiller control, property damage,or personal injury.

Beforestarting the engine,put both wheels in the WHEELDRIVEposition by inserting the wheel drive pins through the wheel hubs andthe wheel shaft. Doingso "locks" the wheels to the wheel shaft, causing the wheelsto turn when either the

Usethe FREEWHEELmode only when the engineis not running, in FREEWHEEL,the wheel drive pins are placed only through the holes in the wheel shaft (not the wheel hubs), thus allowing the wheels to turn freely when you manually movethe tiller.

To place the wheels in WHEELDRIVEor


1.Stop engine,disconnectsparkplug wire from sparkplug andallow engineto cool.

tiller on its side when changing

_ WARNING: Donotplace

wheel drive positions. Doing so could result in gasoline leaking from the fuel tank.

Failureto follow this instruction could result in personal injury or property damage.

2. Raiseone wheel about one inch off the ground and place asturdy support under the transmission.

3.Removehairpin cotter (C,Figures3-2 and 3-3) from wheel drive pin (A).

4.FORWHEELDRIVEMODE(Figure3-2): Slide wheel outward and align holes in

Figure3-2: WHEELDRIVEposition.

wheel hub (D, Figure 3-2) and wheel shaft (B). Insert wheel drive pin (A) through wheel hub (D) and wheel

shaft (B). Securewheel drive pin with hair- pin cotter (C) by pushing hairpin cotter in as far as it will go. Repeatwith the other wheel and then removethe support from beneaththe transmission.

5.FORFREEWHEELMODE(Figure 3-3): Slidethe wheel inward andinsertthe wheel drive pin (A, Figure3-3) only through the hole in the wheel shaft (B). Secure wheel drive pin with hairpincotter (C) by pushing hairpin cotter in as far as it will go. Repeat for the other wheel and then removethe support from beneath the transmission.


Page 10
Image 10
Troy-Bilt 644A, 640C manual Featuresandcontrols, Introduction, Engine Controls, Wheel Drive Pins, Freewheel