4.Exercisecautiontoavoidslippingorfall- If in doubtaboutthe tilling conditions, al-

ing.ways usethe following operating precau-

5.Iftheunitshouldstarttovibrateabnor- tionsto assistyou in maintainingcontrol


of the tiller:

a. Walk behindand to one side of the



tiller, usingone handon the handle




bars Relax yourarm, but use a



secure handgrip.

6. Stop the engine, disconnectthe spark

b. Use shallower depthregulator


settings, working gradually deeper

plug wire and prevent it from touching the



with each pass.

spark plug, wheneveryou leavethe operat-


ยข. Use slower engine speeds.

ing position, before unclogging the tines,

d. Clear the tilling area of all large

or when making any repairs, adjustments


stones, rootsor other debris.

or inspections.


e. Avoidusing downwardpressureon

7. Takeall possible precautions when leav-


the handlebars. If need be, use

ing the machine unattended.Stop the en-



slight upwardpressureto keep the

gine. Disconnect the spark plug wire and



tines from diggingtoo deeply.

move it awayfrom the spark plug. Besure



Beforecontacting hard packedsoil

that both wheelsarein the Wheel Drive po-


at the end of a row, reduce engine



8. Before cleaning, repairing, or inspect-


speed and lift the handlebarsto


raise the tines out of the soil.

ing, stop the engine and make certain all


g. In an emergency,stopthe tines and

moving parts have stopped. Disconnect


wheels by releasing whichever

the spark plug wire and prevent it from



clutch controlis engaged.Do not

touching the spark plug to preventacci-



attemptto restrain the tiller.

dental starting.




9. The flap on the fine hood must bedown

15. Do not overloadthe tiller'scapacityby

attempting to till too deeply at too fast a

when operating the tiller.



10. Neveruse the tiller unless proper


16. Neveroperate the tiller at high trans-

guards, plates, or other safety protective

port speeds on hard or slippery surfaces.

devices are in place.

Look behind and use care when backing

11. Do not run the engine in an enclosed



area. Engineexhaust contains carbon


17. Donot operatethe tiller on aslope that

monoxide gas, a deadly poison that is

is too steep for safety. When on slopes,

odorless, colorless, and tasteless.

slow down and makesure you have good

12. Keepchildren and pets away.

footing. Neverpermit thetille rto freewheel

13. Never operate the tiller underengine

down slopes.

powerif thewheels are in the Freewheel

18. Neverallow bystanders nearthe unit.

position. In the Freewheelposition, the

19. Onlyuse attachmentsand accessories

wheelswill not hold the tiller back andthe

revolvingtines could propel the tiller rapid-

that are approved by the manufacturer of

the tiller.

ly,possibly causingloss of control. Always

20. Usetiller attachmentsand accessories

engagethe wheels with the wheel drive

when recommended.

pins in the Wheel Drive position before



starting the engine or engaging the

21. Neveroperate the tiller without good

tines4Nheelswith the Forward Clutch Bail

visibility or light.

(all models) or the ReverseClutch control

22. Neveroperatethe tiller if you aretired;

(Model 644A only).

or underthe influence of alcohol, drugs or

14. Be aware that the tiller may unex-


pectedlybounceupwardor jumpforward

23. Operatorsshall not tamper with the en-

if the tines shouldstrike extremely hard

gine-governor settings onthe machine;

packedsoil, frozen ground,or buried ob-

the governor controls the maximum safe

stacles like large stones, roots, or

operating speed to protect the engine and


all moving parts from damagecaused by



overspeed.Authorized service shall be


sought if a problem exists.

24.Do not touch engine parts which may behot from operation. Let parts cool down sufficiently.

25.Pleaseremember:Youcan alwaysstop

the tines and wheels by releasingthe For- ward Clutch Bail or on Model 644Athe Re-

verseClutch control, (whichevercontrol is engaged),or by moving the ignition switch

and/orthrottle control lever on the engine to "OFF" or "STOP".

26.To load or unloadthe tiller, seethe in- structions in Section4 of this Manual.

27.Useextreme caution when reversing or pulling the machinetowards you.

28.Startthe enginecarefully accordingto

instructions and with feet well away from the tines.

29.Neverpick up or carry a machinewhile the engineis running.


1.Keepthe tiller, attachmentsand acces- sories in safeworking condition.

2.Checkall nuts, bolts, and screws for

proper tightness to besure the equipment is in safeworking condition.

3.Neverstore the tiller with fuel in the fuel tank insidea building where ignition sourc- esare presentsuchas hot waterandspace heaters, furnaces, clothes dryers, stoves, electric motors, etc.). Allow the engineto cool before storing the unit in any enclo- sure.

4.To reducethe chances of a fire hazard, keepthe enginefree of grass, leaves,or ex- cessivegrease.

5.Store gasoline in acool, well-ventilated area, safely awayfrom any spark- or flame-producing equipment. Store gaso-

line in an approved container, safely away from the reachof children.

6.Referto the Maintenancesections of

this Manual and the separateEngineOwn- er'sManual for instructions if the unit is to

bestored for an extendedperiod.

7.Neverperform maintenancewhile the engineis running orthe spark plug wire is connected,except when specifically in- structed to do so.

8.Ifthe fuel tank hasto be drained, dothis outdoors.

Page 4
Image 4
Troy-Bilt 644A Walk behindand to one side, Tiller, usingone handon the handle, Bars Relax yourarm, but use a, Stumps