Montego DDL 31
Mixer Tab in Windows 2000/XP
Mixer Tab in Windows Vista/Windows 7


The Playback mixer provides an array of volume, mute and pan controls for balancing the sound sources
when listening with headphones or speakers. Each slider controls a specific source of sound on the PC,

Wave (not available in Vista/Windows 7): Sets the playback level of the PC‘s digital audio sources,

such as MP3 files, Windows sounds, etc. The combination of the WAVE slider setting and the Master
Volume slider setting will determine the overall volume of these sounds. Use the Pan control to balance
the left and right signals

SW Synth (Software MIDI Synthesizer) (not available in

Vista/Windows 7): Sets the volume of the Windows MIDI software
synthesizer. Use the Pan control to balance the left and right signals.

Microphone: Sets the volume of the microphone input. Since the

microphone is a mono input, it does not have a pan control. The