Visual Imaging and Pass Production System
The AC2000 VIPPS system provides a photo imaging application that is fully and seamlessly integrated with the AC2000 access control software. VIPPS gives the operator a range of video imaging facilities for capturing personnel images, company logos and personnel signatures and incorporating these onto professionally designed passes.
VIPPS allows users to design professional quality permanent and temporary ID passes which can include text, logos, multiple colours, graphics, photos, barcodes and signatures.
Personnel data is entered/updated using standard or custom designed data entry programs. Images, logos and signatures are captured from cameras or scanners as required. The image is displayed alongside the personnel data on the screen. This allows the user to approve the badge format before final printing.
Different badge layouts can also be used, for example, permanent passes could have a different design and colour to temporary passes.
•User friendly interface
•Capture, import and display portraits
•Export images to external systems
•Badge layout editor
•Software control of zoom and camera settings
•High speed processing and data storage
•Password security for access to confidential information
•Transmission of data over standard communication networks
•Remote or local image capture
•Single or batch printing of ID
•Multiple badge layouts to suit the application
•Signature and fingerprint capture
•PenPad for rapid capture of signatures
•Ability to encode passes
•Supports multiple badging stations connected over a network
•Supports fingerprint enrolment onto system (using S600 fingerprint reader)