2.2.1 Mobile Antennas – Vehicle Installation Install the radio’s antenna (refer to Table 2-1 for applicable antenna part numbers) in the center of
the vehicle’s roof. These mobile antenna installation guidelines are limited to metal body motor
vehicles or vehicles with appropriate ground planes. The antenna installation should additionally
be in accordance with the following.
• The requirements of the antenna manufacturer/supplier included with the antenna.
• Instructions in the M7100IP Radio Installation Manual, including minimum antenna cable
• The installation manual providing specific information of how to install the antennas to
facilitate recommended operating distances to all potentially exposed persons.
Use only the M/A-COM approved/supplied antenna(s) or approved replacement antenna.
Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or attachments could damage the radio and may violate
FCC regulations.
Radios intended for motorcycle installations are factory-configured at 25 watts. It is
important that radios not intended for motorcycle installations are not substituted for
motorcycle radio units.
Table 2-2 lists the recommended minimum lateral distance for a controlled environment
and for unaware bystanders in an uncontrolled environment, from transmitting types of
antennas (i.e., monopoles over a ground plane, or dipoles) at rated radio power for
mobile radios installed on a motorcycle. Transmit only when unaware bystanders are at
least the uncontrolled recommended minimum lateral distance away from the
transmitting antenna.