Reading conve r s ation memory +A conversation is everything you and the other person type
during a call. Conversations are saved one after another in the
conversation memory until the memory fills up. When the
memory is full, the Superprint 4425 starts clearing the oldest
conversations to make room for new ones.
1. Press the left arrow key
(hold down the key
and press the key)
to move back in mem-
ory. To move faster, hold
down the key and
press the key.
2. Press the right arrow key
(hold down the ke y
and press the key)
to read forward. If you
do not want to print
what you read, turn off
the printer before press-
ing the right arrow key.
3. Press any key to return to
the end of memory when
you finish.
If necessary, turn the
printer back on.