Baud rate is how fast characters travel. You can choose 110 or
300 baud, but 110 is rarely used. The default baud rate is 300.
Duplex controls how characters are displayed. If you get double
characters (lliikkee tthhiiss) or none at all, change the option
between half duplex and full duplex. The default is half duplex.
Parity controls error-checking. You can choose 7N1, 8N1, 7E1, or
7O1. The first number is data bits. The middle letter means (N)o
parity, (E)ven parity, or (O)dd parity. The last number is stop bits.
8N1 and 7E1 are used most often. The default is 8N1 parity.
Return determines what the Superprint 4425 sends when you
press the key. You can choose CR or CR/LF. CR (carriage
return) goes to the beginning of the current line. CR/LF (carriage
return plus line feed) goes to the beginning of the next line. The
default is CR.
To connect your Superprint 4425 with a computer, the other
person should use 300 baud, half duplex, 8N1 parity, and CR
Turning on ASCII code and changing optionsThe Superprint 4425 is set to automatically use the code it needs
to answer a call, but you can set the unit to only use ASCII code at
any time. When you do, the Superprint 4425 will not try to use
other codes. Follow these steps to turn on ASCII code:
1. Press the code key ( + ). The display says CODE
2. Press the to change the setting to ASCII.
3. Press the key to use the current ASCII options or press the
key to change options.
Use the following keys to change settings:
The chooses a setting.
The key continues to the next setting.
The key saves the option and returns to your
The code always returns to automatic when you hang up or turn
off the Superprint 4425.
CODES • 81