FCC Information
Yourpager might cause TV or radio interference even
whenit is operating properly. To determine whether
yourpager is causing the interference, turn it off. If the
interferencegoes away, your pager is causing the
interference.Try to eliminate the interference by
movingthe pager away from the receiver.
Ifyou cannot eliminate the interference, the FCC
requiresthat you stop using your pager.
Modifyingor tampering with your pager’s internal
componentscan cause a malfunction and void your
FCCauthorization to operate it. If your pager is not
performingas it should, contact your pager service.
Thisdevice complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules.
Operationis subject to the following two conditions:
(1)this device may not cause any harmful
interference,and (2) this device must accept
interferencereceived, including interference that may
causeundesired operation.
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