Your UNIDEN AX 55 represents the most advanced
Any adjustments or alterations which would alter the performance of the transceiver's original F .C.C. Type Acceptance or which would change the frequency determining method are strictly prohibited.
Operation of this equipment requires a valid station license issued by the Federal Communications Commission. Do not transmit with your equipment until you have received your license or without complying with the pro- cedures explained on F .C.C. temporary license Form
ceiver for your convenience.- --~-Your Station License is to be posted in accordance with CB Rul.es 34 and 44.
F .C.C. Rules require that All transmitter adjustments other that those
supplied by the manufacturer as front panel operation controls be made by or under supervision of the holder of an F .C.C. issued 1st or 2nd class radio operator license.
Replacement or substitution of Crystals, Transistors, IC, Regulator Diodes or any other part of a unique nature, with parts other than those recommended by us, may cause violation of the technical regulatons of Part 95 of the F .C.C. Rules or violation of Type Acceptance requirements of Part 2 of the Rules.
The Citizens Band (CB) Radio Service is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Com- munications Commission (F .C.C.) Therefore, the operator of a CB transceiver must be in possession of a valid FCC permit or license. The steps to legally operate your UNIDEN transceiver are:
1)For Immediate operation: complete the Form
2)FCC Form 505, Application for Class C or D Station License in the Citizens Radio Service is the document to be completed to obtain your license which is valid for 5 years. Mail the application to the address indicated on the form. DO NOT send it to UNIDEN Corporation of America.