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CD Microphone Connector. . . Plug
your Microphone here.
(~) ON/OFF VOLUME Knob...
Turns power on and adjusts volume le- vel.
@SQUELCH Knob. . . Used to sil- ence the backGround noise when no
signal is being received. Turn the knob just past ttle point where background noise stops.
C£'DIM Control. . . Adjusts the brigh- tnesS' of both LCD and the keyboard back lighting for night operation.
(~ Key Board. . . Selects the desired
channel. LCD display shows CH- ] through
9, firstyou must depress "0" then the de;- sired channel number. Ifyou attempt to enter CH. 75, 76 and channels other than VHF marine channels, which are Ch. 29 - 59, and 89 - 99, the letter "E"
will flash in the LCD display and also "70" will flash when Ch. 70 is selected
for transmit on international channels. To continue normal use of the radio, make a proper channel selection.
@LCD . . . Provides indication of ch an- nel and function even in brightest sun- light.