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This key turns on the Memory Scan and gives you "SCAN" on LCD, j: tile
squelch is in operation and Scan Memory Channels are programmed, Scan
starts its operation While it is on, the second digit of the channel nuf,'ber shows movement indicating that the Scan is on.
When the radio receives a signal on a programmed channel while MC'11Orv Scan is on, and squelch opens, it indicates its channel number and Sldy' , 0;
that channel. \X/hen the signal is gone, squelch closes and Memory Sc;m is reaCtivated.
This key ;s used to check Memory Scan or when all the memory SCc1:1is deleted. It is also used when "0" is flashing by mispressing the scan key with no channel number programmed in memory scan. If you pres:; this key in a normal operation, it shows each channel number programmccJ in Memory Scan.
This is the key to turn on the Memory Scan Channel. Select the char1nel you wish to program, then press the ENTER Key.i'MEM" is indicated on the left hand of the channel number to indicate that the program is com- pleted.
This key deletes the programmed Memory Scan Channel(s). When this key is pressed, the lowest numbered channel in the Memory Scan is indicated and deleted. If you keep pressing it. the next lowest channel numtJcr is
ir1dicated for deletion. "0" flashes whenall the memory scan channel:; are deleted.
Thttse keys arc used (0 progr;:HT1cll<tnnel numbers. Tlw first numl)cr you press becomes rile first digit, and if the second digit ,~ not progr.:wirned within 10 seconds after the first one, it returns to lhe previous channel. When the seleCted channel number does nOt exist, "E" flashes.
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(87 AI
This key gives you international cllannels or USA channels with an indica- tion of "INT" or "USA" on the display. When the radio is activated, international channels are auromarieally available and by pressing the key, it goes ro USA channels
This key gives you instant access to channel 16 and "'J6" will be indicated on LCD when you press it.
This key gives you instant access to channe/87A and "87" will be indicated on LCD when you press it. If channel 87A is seleCted from keyboard while op- erating USA. channels, LCD WILL FLASH" u",
[,w~L ]
By pressing this key, "DUAL" is indicated on the display. Every one and ci half seconds, it monitOrs CH 16, If the receiver hearsa signal on CH ] 6, it locks ontO
that channel. Wt,en the signal stops, it returns ro monitoring CH) 6 ('very one and a half seconds. "DUAL" can be operated along with Memory Sc,m. By pressing the "DUAL" key, it can be cancelled.
By pressing this key, the power
indicated on LCD. By pressing this key again, the power
The MC790 has a
Plea'se read the Owner's Manual carefully before operating your unit.