Feature Highlights
◆Twin Turbo Scan & Search
channels per second. Search speed is selectable between 100 and 300 steps per second. (300 steps per second only in bands with 5 kHz steps.) Because the frequency coverage is so large (see previous section for band listing), very fast scanning and searching are essential. That is why we combined our latest technology — Twin Turbo — into the SportCat.
◆100 Channels You can program each of these memory channels to store one frequency.
◆12 Bands, 10 Banks Includes 12 Bands, with Aircraft and 800 MHz. 10 Banks of 10 channels each are useful for storing similar frequencies in order to maintain faster scanning cycles.
◆29 MHz - 956 MHz Indicates the range of frequencies that can be searched within the bands of your scanner.
(Note: The frequency coverage is not totally continuous from 29.0 MHz to 956 MHz.)
◆10 Priority Channels You can assign one Priority Channel in each Bank. Assigning priority channels allows you to keep track of activity on your most important channel(s) while monitoring other channels for transmissions. (Priority Channels are initially set in the first channel in each Bank.)
◆Weather Channels Lets your scanner function as a weather information radio.
◆Memory Backup The stored channels are retained in memory permanently.
◆Programmable Alpha Characters You can program up to 100 channels with alphabetical characters for easy reference.
◆Band Search You can search within the preprogrammed bands.
◆Limit Search You can search within a specific range of frequencies.
◆VFO Search You can search by using the VFO control.
◆Alert Beep If the SportCat finds a transmission on a channel you have preset, it beeps twice.
◆Auto Light The SportCat can turn on its backlight automatically when it finds a transmission if this function is activated.