BBaatttteerryy uussee ttiimmee ((ppeerr cchhaarrggee))From fully charged
• Six hours continuous use.
• Ten days when the handset is in the s tandb y mode.
WWhheenn tthhee bbaatttteerryy cchhaarrggee bbeeccoommeess lloowwWhen the battery pack is ver y lo w and needs to be
charged, the phone is programmed to eliminate functions
in order to save power. If the phone is not in use, “Low
Battery“ flashes and none of t he keys will oper ate.
If the phone is in use, “Low Battery“ f lashes and the handset beeps.
Complete your conversation as quickly as possible and return the handset to
the base unit for charging.
The built-in memory backup can hold numbers and names stored in
the memory even if the battery pack is completely discha rged.
CClleeaanniinngg tthhee bbaatttteerryy ccoonnttaaccttssTo maintain a good charge, it is import ant to
clean the battery contacts on t he handset and
base unit with a dry cloth or a pencil eraser
about once a month.
DDoo nnoott uussee aannyy lliiqquuiiddss oorr ssoollvveennttss..
• Even when t he battery
pack is not being used,
it will gradually
discharge over a long
period of time.
For optimum
performance, be sure
to return the handset
to the base unit after a
telephone call for
charging the battery.
• The redial memory
numbers backup for up
to 2 minutes while you
replace the battery pack.
• If you must replace
the battery pack
during a telephone
call, complete the
replacement of the
battery pack within
30 seconds, and you
can return to the
original call.
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