• Af ter ins talling t he batt er y pack in the handset, c har ge your handset at
least 1155 hhoouurrss bbeeffoorree uussiinngg tthhee pphhoonnee. Once the handset battery pack is
fully charged, connect the telephone line cord to the base and telephone
wall outlet.
• The location should be close to bot h a phone jack and a continuous power
outlet which is not switchable.
• Keep the base and handset away from sources of electrical noise suc h as
motors and fluorescent lighting.
• Be sur e ther e is suf f icient space to r aise t he base antenna t o a
vertical position.
CCoonnnneecctt tthhee bbaassee uunniitt
1 Connect the telephone line cord
to the TTEELL LLIINNEEjack and to a
telephone outlet.
2 Connect the AC adapter to the
DDCC IINN 99VVjack and to a s t andard
120V AC wall outlet.
3 Set the base unit on a desk or tabletop and place the
handset on the base unit as shown.
Then raise the antenna to a vertical position.
Place the power cord so it
does not create a trip
hazard or where it could
become chafed and
create a fire or
electrical hazard.